The Little Things

Remodeling, carpentry, and construction work requires a strong attention to detail. It is this focus on the little things that separates me from the competitors here in Summit County. When you combine my skills and experience with my attention to detail—and also consider the extremely reasonable rates I charge—it shows that choosing me for your next carpenter or remodel project would be a smart decision! Contact me today and let's discuss how I can help you with your next remodeling, carpentry, or construction project.
Even More Reasons to Choose Me
I am a true carpenter and contractor.
Some people have had previous "careers and jobs" while others do a little carpentry and contracting on the side. I have been working in the trades and performing remodel and carpentry labor since the very beginning. Check to make sure that others bidding against me have the experience-- and that this is actually their primary occupation!
I am a hands on contractor.
This means I don't just subcontract out all the work to others and stop in occasionally to check on things. I'll be at your project performing tasks and working alongside the other qualified subcontractors needed to finish the job—making sure the right decisions are made and ensuring overall quality every step of the way.
I'm not leaving Summit County
Summit County has an extremely transient population; many contractors are here today but gone tomorrow, which can leave homeowners, contractors, and building owners in frustrating situations. Although I did my share of coming and going in my younger days, I'm now here in Summit County, Colorado for good. I'm not going anywhere. You may speak with a competitor, and he may be a good carpenter or contractor—but is he going to be here a few months from now? Maybe. Maybe not. Beware of this (very real) risk you may encounter when speaking with local competitors.
My projects are organized from the beginning
I write proposals for everything--even a two hour door install. It may sound basic, but you'll find that few competitors in Summit County will actually provide you with project information in writing. My estimates provide my customers (and me) with a clear understanding of a project's scope of work, costs, questions, and the exact work that will be accomplished.
And of course, this organization and attention to detail that I bring to each of my projects is reflected in the completed high-quality remodels and carpentry work I provide to my customers!
I don't play pricing games.
Sure, you may change your mind about some details of the project . . . or the unexpected may be found when we open up a wall. Unfortunately, many competitors low-ball their estimates or bids to get your job—but then they pile on all the "extras," which start to add up very quickly. Suddenly their numbers don't look so good any more. Contrarily, I attempt to foresee small changes and possible problems before your project begins. I then work these possibilities into the estimates I'll prepare for you, meaning there will be no shocking invoices come project completion. If a change is needed, everything will be written up, documented, and discussed before the change is made.
I know it's often difficult to understand the differences between a $6,000 dollar estimate and a $10,000 dollar estimate. Although one number may seem reasonable and the other ridiculous, don't be fooled by what is included and not included in those two numbers. I am always happy to sit down and explain my numbers, what is included and not, and how I arrived at the final cost.